
1926 Mayo Clinic Collected Papers Medicine Surgery Medical Research Science Hist

$ 15.81

Availability: 32 in stock
  • Condition: Hardcover book with light edge wear/marks, scuff marks on spine strip


    Collected Papers of the Mayo Clinic and the Mayo Foundation, Rochester Minnesota, Volume XVIII, 1926
    edited by Mrs. M. H. Mellish, H. Burton Logie MD, and Charlotte E. Eigenmann
    Volume of clinical and research medical papers from 1926 from the noted Rochester, MN facility. Covers the subjects of the alimentary tract, the urogenital organs, the ductless glands, the blood and circulatory organs, skin and syphilis, the head, trunk and extremities, the brain, spinal cord and nerves, technic, and general medicine. 1329 pages, illustrated.
    Published by W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London, 1927