
Eucalyptus Hanna Seeds Eucalyptus gunni Ukraine 10 seeds S0935 Farmer's dream

$ 4.64

Availability: 39 in stock


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Seeds of
gunni  "Hanna"
- 10 seeds
Семена эвкалипта «Ганна»
Eucalyptus "Hanna" / Eucalyptus gunni is an evergreen plant family Myrtaceae. In a domestic environment it grows in height of about 1 meter.
Stunning views, and decorative plants give his young heart-rounded leaves that are blue-gray patina and appear white in the sun. Leaf size is small. Note that the leaves of the young plants are different from adults, both in form and in color.
Eucalyptus leaves have a very fragrant aroma, due to their content of essential oil. Thanks allocated phytoncides and leaves the ability to evaporate large amounts of water, eucalyptus contributes to the improvement of air indoors takes whooping cough, scares off mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes.
Sowing: February - March, in a prepared substrate - a mixture of turf, humus soil and sand (1: 1: 1). Sow surface as seeds for germination requires light. The crops are sprayed and covered with foil. At a temperature of + 22-25 ° C shoots appear after 7-10 days.
Please notice that:
It can be in the different packs - the seeds inside are the same.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
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