
Large-fruited Strawberry seeds Red mitten Ukraine

$ 2.5

Availability: 30 in stock


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Strawberry seeds "
Red mitten
The variety is distinguished by early ripening, high yield and good taste of berries. Forms neat bushes (25 cm high) with numerous peduncles (each has about 10 large white flowers), very little mustache. Fruiting abundantly and continuously from late June (southern regions) - early July until frost. The berries are round-oval, very large (25-30 g), with dense juicy pulp, fragrant. Recommended for fresh consumption and freezing. Strawberries are sown in March-April. Seeds are evenly spread over a moistened flat surface. Seedlings appear within 30 days. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings dive into pots. After the appearance of 6 true leaves, they are planted in the ground with a distance between rows of 25-30 cm, between plants 15-20 cm. Can be grown as a pot culture.
Please notice that:
It can be in the different packs - the seeds inside are the same.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.
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