Mycelium sticks SHIITAKE IMPERATOR MUSHROOM Ukrainian Seeds 10 g spawn
$ 4
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Here is Micelium of Shiitake Impeator mushroom - 10 g
Mushroom stick "Shiitake" is a mushroom health, longevity and eternal youth. Cap 5-20 cm in diameter, hemispherical, convex, dark brown, light brown later. The flesh is dense and bright.
Grown on hardwood logs in the home and in home gardens. Fruiting passes waves 3-4 years on softwood and 5-7 years solid.
Contents of the package is sufficient to infect 25 kg timber. Yields up to 7 kg per year. Shiitake is considered a delicacy, pleasant taste and aroma reminiscent of something between a taste of cepe and сhampignon.
Please notice that:
It can be in the different packs - the seeds inside are the same.
It's 100 % original and it has been keeping in an appropriate storage condition.
Payment PayPal
Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
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